
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Moving Right Along

I appologize as this blog has quickly become all-Autism, all the time. 

I need to remind myself that life is not based on this diagnosis.  Things must go on. 

I was reminded this with the little tid-bit fact that...


Holey-moley, why didn't anyone tell me this? 

So any ideas that I was wanting to do need to be done.  Also I have discovered that laundry somehow cannot walk itself into the washing machine...still gotta do that.  And the washing and dusting and the mopping and the sweeping.  Those things don't just happen. 

The print above I have framed in my is a good reminder for me and kind of paraphrases Romans 8:28 for me:

"And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose."

God's going to make sure we are okay.  That everything is okay.  That Cal is okay. 

Now I've got shopping to do. And Easter baskets to stuff. And laundry to fold.  And ironing to do.  And mopping to do.  And...

Happy Thursday :)

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

don't sweat it, I think everyone goes through a phase after hearing that your child has anything "wrong" with them where they seem to eat, breath, live that diaognosie (sp). I know I did, but it does become just another part of your life after the shock wears off. Just remember every family/child with autism is different and has different needs and different things that work for them. And with God all things are possible, He will give you the grace you need. Happy Thursday, and almost Easter!!